About the Tournament

Congratulations to all teams who participated in the very successful 2018 Vancouver Goalball Grand Slam presented by YVR! The competition was exciting! Here are the final results:

Image description: Full group photo of about 55 people involved in the 2018 Vancouver Goalball Grand Slam presented by YVR! Photo Credit: DLR Photography (www.dlrphoto.ca)

Gold Medal: Omega
Silver Medal: Cyclones
Bronze Medal: Goon Squad

Final Scores of Medal Games:

  • Gold: Cyclones 8 – Omega 11
  • Bronze: Goon Squad 6 – VGC 5
Mario Caron Award for Best Offensive Player Award: Brendan Gaulin (VGC) – 32 goals
Best Defensive Player: Matthew Simpson (Omega)
Standings after the round robin:

Pool A

  • 1st Place: Crown
  • 2nd Place: Omega
  • 3rd Place: Alberta Young Guns
  • 4th Place: BC
  • 5th Place: Pirates of the Caribbean (Puerto Rico)

Pool B

  • 1st Place: Vancouver Goalball Club
  • 2nd Place: Cyclones
  • 3rd Place: Japan
  • 4th Place: Goon Squad


The Vancouver Goalball Club is thrilled to be hosting the 2018 Vancouver Goalball Grand Slam presented by YVR at Fortius Sport & Health in Burnaby BC from March 9-11, 2018.


We are welcoming nine men’s teams from BC, Alberta, USA, Japan, and Puerto Rico. Teams are competing fo rprize money in the amounts of $5,000, $2,000 and $1,000 for first, second, and third place respectively.

3353_Vancouver Goalball Club Poster_FA

 For the full schedule, click here.
For the Event Program, click here.
For team rosters, click here.
Looking forward to seeing everyone at Fortius Sport & Health for this one-of-a-kind international tournament! Admission is free.

VGC extends a huge thank you to the following sponsors of our event: YVR Vancouver Airport Authority, Accessible Media Inc., Sport Burnaby, Hosting BC, the Province of British Columbia, ViaSport, the City of Burnaby, BC Blind Sports and Recreation Association, & DLR Photography.




What is Goalball?

Goalball is a Paralympic sport designed specifically for athletes who are blind or visually impaired. The game is played on a volleyball sized court with orientation markings on the floor, and two 9 meter nets of either side of the court. The goalball itself has bells inside and the athletes track the ball by listening for the sound of the bells. Each team has three players on the court at any given time and the players work together to block the ball from going into their net. The game is played over two 12-minute halves, and the team who scores the most goals during that time, wins. While all athletes must classify as legally blind to be eligible for competitions, every player wears blacked-out eyeshades to level the playing field between different levels of vision.